
Understanding Digital Piracy, and its Complications

In today's digital age, where information flows freely and access to content is just a click away, digital piracy has emerged as a significant challenge for content creators,

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Devil’s Kiss: Burying brands under the garb of Bargain

In the cutthroat competition prevailing in the business world, the concept of David versus Goliath isn't confined to ancient tales; it often plays out in modern

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Challenges in Patent Prosecution

A patent can be awarded for an innovation that pertains to a product, technology, or design that is novel, has an industrial application, and involves an inventive

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From Flintstones to Jetsons: The Principle of Territoriality in Digital Era

“What is in the name?” the famous Shakespeare quote is, perhaps, the most widely cited piece of literature which goes against the principles of trademark law.

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Fair Use And Fair Dealing Under Copyright Law

Fair use is not a “licence’, but rather a privilege that allows the person pleading defence to a suit for infringement to avoid the clutches of copyright law. When a

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Ever Greening of Patents: An Elixir of Life for Pharmaceutical Companies

Grant of a patent is a monopoly right given exclusively to an inventor for a limited period of time. Such an invention should be new, non- obvious, and useful

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IP Incentivizing the Ecosystem of Start- Ups

When starting a business, many factors must be taken into account, including branding, market segmentation, and financial development. However, one of

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Inaction By Registrar Of Trademark Is Unpardonable

The Controller General of Patents Designs & Trade Marks is the chief official responsible for facilitating the patent system in India. The controller general is

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Traditional Ip Rights and Open Access Initiatives

The tussle between open access and traditional IP rights is becoming a major issue in the aftermath of the global epidemic. IPR and open access are

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Trademark Issues in The Metaverse

With e-commerce sweeping the globe at a rapid pace, the world is indeed changing. Recently, several celebrities attracted millions of users for their virtual

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Trademark Infringement in Case Of Using A Third-Party Trademark As A Keyword

Since the Internet has the potential to identify and engage the target audience, online promotion is the most convenient and appealing approach for businesses

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Regulations on Royalty Payments in India

Royalty is a fee that is charged to the party who wishes to use the intellectual property of another. Royalties can be accrued for any Intellectual Property in

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IPR and Fashion Law - ‘Sole’ Reason Why They Work Together

When one thinks of this, it stands out and appears as a niche, unexplored area of law. And while it is still developing in India, it’s developing nonetheless.

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Ip For Social Media Influencers and Content Creators

Since the Internet has the potential to identify and engage the target audience, online promotion is the most convenient and appealing approach for businesses

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Plagiarism In Media & Entertainment Industry

The Media and Entertainment (“M&E”) industry is one of the most important and major growing industries in today’s world. Approximately 4 million direct and

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The act of registering, dealing in, or utilising a domain name in bad faith is known as cybersquatting (also known as domain squatting). To profit from others,

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